Friday, 10 March 2017

Double Page Spread

 Starting on the DPS, I firstly inserted my entire article, having it as the standard font and only having one drop capital, adding two more so that there was one per column,

 Adding in the title for the article, I debated to have it across both pages and keep it on the page the article, going with the title going across the pages
Changing the font of the title to the same as my masthead to keep with brand style, adding in the kicker, putting a drop cap for the kicker, taking inspiration from Q, taking inspiration from Q again by having the borders on the edge of the of the page, adding to the bottom and making is thin so that it didn't take away from the DPS, placing in a pull quote and caption
The finished Product is below


 Starting with a rough template of my draft contents page, having construction with boxes on where my magazine content would be


Putting my masthead, photo and editor notes along with the web address at the bottom, taking inspiration from Kerrang for  the editors note, having a similar style and tone to the way it is written, later adding in the actual text of contents, having the same font as my masthead so that represented the brand

 Adding the contents, I found that I felt it was too clustered and compact, flipping it so that the picture and editors note was at the top and the contents at the bottom, having less dead space

The Finished product

Front cover

Starting with the front cover of my music magazine, I created my masthead in Photoshop taking around thirty minutes to find a text that worked with the style of my magazine 


Using the draft front cover as a template, I move my Masthead from Photoshop to InDesign and placing the sell lines, pug and slogan in 

Changing the colour scheme from a bright orange and text from light colour scheme to a dark colour scheme with red text and black strokes to make the magazine have more of a Rock style to it

After adding in the photo of my artist, I saw that rather than working my artist around the sell lines, the sell lines would have to work around the artist as some where over lapping.

But the clothing of my artist seemed more indie than rock and so I change it but having him in a black jacket,
making the sell lines smaller along with changing the footbars, changing the colour scheme again so that it applied to the eye better.
I latter decide to keep the background in as it was a hassle to remove all of the grey and plus it made the front cover less bland by having it not pure white, also adding the rest of my sell lines with a barcode

 The Finished product